Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What you do is not why you do it  Finding your purpose at work

What you do is leid why you do it Finding your purpose at workWhat you do is not why you do it Finding your purpose at workSimon Sinekis a bestselling author and leadership expert whose TED Talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, has been viewed over 40 million times, making it one of thefruchtwein popular TED Talks of all time. He recently joinedJordan HarbingeronThe Jordan Harbinger Showto discuss how the power of why can transform the way we work, platzdeckchen goals, and live our lives.JordanIts always nice and cushy to say, I love delivering great content to people that helps them improve their lives. Thats my shows mission, but thats not the feeling I have when Im creating this stuff.SimonThats not your Why - thats just what you do. Thats what the show is. If adding more intonation to your voice when describing what you do doesnt turn it into a cause - What we want to do is bring great content - then no, its still what you do. Purpose and cause are why you make sacrifices for this, and its why your friends, your colleagues, and your audience love you. Your show is simply one of the things youre doing that brings your cause to life. What happens if you dont have a show? Do you not have a Why anymore? Of course you do.Take me for example - my Why is to inspire people to do the things that inspire them, so that together, each of us can change our world for the better. Now, I can do that in a million ways - I can write a book, I can give a talk, I can give advice to someone. Thats who I am as a friend, as a brother, as a son. Thats who I am, and my opportunity is to find creative ways to inject life into it.The problem is, too many people define their value based on their job. I could simply say, I like writing books, and I want to write books that people want to read. But what if I stopped writing books? Retirees have this problem. They literally lose their whole identity, because they spent 30 years building themselves up to do this one thing, tobet his one thing. But we are worth more than the work that we do. The work that we do is supposed to reflect who we are and what our worth is.JordanWhen my other show ended abruptly, I went through a few days of asking myself, Have I lost this part of who I am? Have I lost the Why? I had the retiree problem. But youre right, I didnt really lose my Why - I just didnt have my thumb on it. I welches conflating the Why with the method of delivery.SimonYou never lost your Why. I would argue that you never had a sense of it. You werent able to put it into words before, and you confused the passion you had for what you did for the reason why you started doing it in the first place.JordanExactly, and I feel likethat happens a lot with creative people, like if you suddenly find that you cant sing anymore, or you cant dance anymore, or you cant act in the same way that you used to. You hear about this with athletes, too, even an athlete that retires. They feel lost because its like, Well, am I still a basketball player? I dont play for the NBA anymore - I play in my backyard with my kids.SimonThis is fairly frequent when individual athletes set themselves on the path to become the greatest in their sport. Once they achieve the goal that theyve set their whole life in motion to achieve, their immediate reaction is actually depression. Andre Agassi became the greatest tennis player of all time, and his immediate reaction was depression. Michael Phelps became the fruchtwein medaled Olympian in history, and the reaction shortly after was depression. Theyve spent their whole life trying to achieve this one thing, and when they get there, they realize, What comes next?Theyve spent their whole life trying to achieve this one thing, and when they get there, they realize, What comes next? You see this in business all the time I want to be a millionaire. Okay, you made your first million. Well, Im not that happy - but maybe if I make two million Okay, you madetwomillion. I stil l dont have that feeling. Maybe Ill makefivemillion We confuse the thing that brought us joy in the first place it was all the hard work that gave us this incredible sense of accomplishment.In other words, it was never the promotion - its the journey to get that promotion. And this is what Why does - it gives you a sense of the whole thing, rather than just the individual milestones.JordanI predict that youre going to see a lot of people after the Olympics going, I got a gold medal, and now I dont know what to do with myself.SimonThere was a study where they asked elite athletes, Would you be willing to die within five years if you could be guaranteed your goal? Over half of them said yes. They thought that the gold was more important than living.JordanYeah, thats called Goldmans dilemma.SimonLets just think about that for a moment, and then take a step back and think of them as exaggerated versions of us.JordanJust like any human condition, we all have a little bit of that in u s. Theres probably some measure of the population that would say, If I could just get my company to this level, or if I could be at the top of this corporate ladder, then I would give up ten years of my life. And what we dont realize is that a lot of people are making this trade - we just dont do it consciously. We might not be thinking, Im going to die in five years, but if youre working 100-hour weeks, and you have no family and no life SimonYou can take it further than that. Despite the fact that we have better medicine than weve ever had, weve seen a profound increase of stress-related disorders and diseases over the past decades. People are dying from unterstellung things - which include some cancers, diabetes, and heart disease - and theyre attributed to increases of stress. The primary source of stress in our lives is work, which means that the organizations - or at least, the leadership environments that are being fostered - are literally killing people. And because it doesnt happen overnight, you dont see the deleterious effects compounding. Its like, eating a Big Mac does nothing, eating two Big Macs does nothing - but do that every day, and youll die young. Our jobs are literally killing us.JordanHow do I know if my level of ambition is healthy or deleterious?Theres no such thing as winning business.SimonWhen you hear about one of your colleagues getting a promotion, are you angry or happy for them? Do you publicly say, Congratulations, then close the door and be like, Oh, that is so unfair? It happens all the time, getting angry at someone for getting the promotion that you deserve. I can guarantee you that all of us have been given promotions that probably were better deserved by somebody else.Gratitude, being grateful for every promotion or recognition that we get, is probably a good place to start.And understand that theres no winning - we apply finite constructions to what is basically an infinite game. Theres no such thing as winning bu siness. There is only ahead and behind, and sometimes were ahead, and sometimes were behind. And amazingly, the best way to stay ahead is allowing others to help us, and being willing to help others.And theres no such thing as winning life you can be the most powerful person in the world with more money than anybody else, and when you die, you just die, and you leave it all behind. You didnt win life - it just continues without you. And the same is true in business - how many companies do we miss? Does anybody miss Circuit City? They went bankrupt, and we went on with our lives. Like, who actually cares?This conversation has been edited and condensed. To listen to the full version,click here.This article first appeared on Heleo.

Friday, December 27, 2019

The power of habit book review

The power of habit book reviewThe power of habit book reviewI think that overallThe Power of Habit was a so-so book when it comes to the concept of changing ones habits. There are many better positions about this and free content of much higher quality.But.Charles Duhigg made an enormous service to the society as a whole by popularizing the concept of habits in the consciousness of the general public.The Power of Habit was the first ever book about habits that broke into the mainstream.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraBecause of this book, others could follow with more books about habits and changing an individuals behavior for good. My mentor,Steve Scott, wrote the whole series of books about habits, a few dozen of them Gretchen Rubin wrote a brilliant transformative book,Better than Before.Brendon Burchard published his book about top performers habits. James Clear and Leo Baba uta developed thriving blogs (hundreds of thousands subscribers) around the concept of habits.None of the above would be possible without the breakthroughThe Power of Habitmade into the mass culture.It definitely has downsides, but this book also did its job to the T and then some.Three Main Pitfalls ofThe Power of HabitNarrow Definition of HabitsThis book narrowed down a menschenwrdig habit to a habit loop that is stored in the brain. Our habits are so much moreIts like saying that human speech is a series of neural impulses firing in the brain. Our speech is a means of communication, a gate to higher and abstract concepts, a way to organize huge projects that one part canbedrngnis handle, a fabric of human relationships, a way to articulate our emotions to each other and so on, and so on.Yes, the structure of a habit is stored in the basal ganglia in the form of a habit loop. Nope, its not all.Its just the beginning.The top definition spit out by Google says that a habit isa settl ed or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.My favorite example is my writing habit. Since 23rd of September, 2013 every single day I have been writing several hundred words. I have the 100% success ratio.Every. Single. Day.No automatic trigger ignites this activity. The activity itself is not automatic. I write in various different forms (blog posts, Quora answers, income reports, articles, nonfiction books, a novel, fiction short stories and more), in two different languages (my native Polish and English), in different places (at home, on trains during my daily commute and even at work) and at a different times of the day (in my writing log you can find every single hour of the day).You cannot fit my writing habit into a narrow definition of a habit loop.Its an Endpoint, Not a RewardThe habit loop itself is not precisely described inThe Power of Habit.This pitfall is actually the fault of scientists perspective skewed by the research they conducted o n animals.In their brain research, they were experimenting on laboratory rats. They trained them to find a way to a piece of chocolate in the labyrinth. After some time, the animals were habitually finding the way to the treat. The taste of chocolate was closing the loop and completing the habit in their brain. If they didnt find the chocolate, they were confused because the loop in their brains was still active.Well, we are not rats, life is not a labyrinth, and chocolate is evil (surely for me, with my sweet tooth).However, my experience suggests that you dont need a reward at the end of the loop, you just need a clearendpoint.While I wait for a suburban train, I meditate for a few minutes. The cue for my meditation habit is arriving on the train platform, the routine is my meditation, and the reward (you see how inappropriate the personenname is in this context? Lets call itan endpointfrom now on) is the arrival of the train.The way to the office by subway takes me almost exactly ten minutes. On the way to work, I read a book written by a saint. On the way back home, I practice speed reading. The cues are finding a place in a subway train. The endpoints are arrivals to the destinations.Parts II and IIIThe top reviewofThe Power of Habiton Amazon says thatThe author describes the power of weak ties of social networks, and claims that it helps us understand the rise of social movements - which it clearly does. But in his explanation, networks are rebranded as the habit of peer pressure. Networks - as well as peer pressure, or culture - can be powerful forces for change, undoubtedly. But networks are not habits - as per his own definition. Different phenomena are conflated into the concept of habits, and in doing so the concept loses elegance and consistency.I tend to agree. Those parts diluted the books message.On the other hand, I think they were necessary to popularize the book, and I consider the impact ofThe Power of Habitinto mass audience its main ad vantage and mission. If not for those parts,The Power of Habitwouldnt have got the attention of corporations and organizations. It would have been just another self-help book calling people to change their lives.Parts II and III demonstrated that there is a business in habits. Good companies thrive because of good systems, and those systems are based on individuals habits.What is more, Charles unwittingly tackled the truth that only recently broke into the knowledge of scientists researching change in human behavior changing habits individually is a losing proposition. Its like hitting the nails with your hand instead of a hammer. It can be done, but the results are so much worse, and the price is so much higher.The default way to change your habits should be in a group setup. When you involve even a single other human being, your chances for success skyrocket.So perhaps those parts of the book werent as aligned to the main message, but they were both necessary and accurate.ProsPhil osophyAs a result of all the above cons,The Power of Habitis not the book I would ever recommend to someone who wants to change their habits. However, its wonderful if you want more knowledge, especially about the state of science about the human brain and habits. The whole book, and multiple stories instanced in it, makes also a compelling case for the utmost importance of habits in our lives.I can recommend this book with all peace of mind to anyone who thinks that habits are not important, tedious, not interesting, boring, insignificant or limiting.This is the best book on Earth to preach about habits.And I discovered in my coaching practice that when you are convinced about the importance of good habits when you make this conviction a part of your personal philosophy, its much easier to actually change your habits and your everyday life.Habit LoopI dont believe the concept of a habit loop will ever be explained better in the form of written content. Charles made it comprehensive , detailed, illustrated with vivid stories and packed with scientific research.If you want to learn about the ins and outs of a habit loop, the first part ofThe Power of Habitis a go-to place. Period.Social AspectCharles based his book on scientific research but, in this case, he was ahead of his time.The Power of Habitwas published in 2012. BJ Fogg, the head of Persuasive Lab on Stanford University, admitted only at the end of 2015 that he overlooked the importance of social interactions in bringing the change in individuals habits.Social support can make or break your resolve to change. Charles didnt articulate it in those words, but the impact of habits of crews, teams and crowds on businesses, organizations and societies painted a very clear correlation. I applaud him for that.SummaryI thinkThe Power of Habitis-a so-so book if you want to transform your life-a great book if you want to deepen your knowledge about habits and scientific landscape of behavioral research-the best bo ok in the world for anyone that needs convincing about the importance of habits-the breakthrough book that brought habits into the mainstream culture.This article first appeared on Expandbeyondyourself.com .You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Simple Ways to Fight the New Job Jitters

Simple Ways to Fight the New Job JittersSimple Ways to Fight the New Job JittersStarting a new job is incredibly exciting (translation incredibly nerve-wracking). Figuring out the ins and outs of your job description is only the tip of the iceberg- organizational culture, new personalities, and an unfamiliar office mean youre constantly learning new things. And while the adjustment period feels new and different for everyone, some of us struggle with feeling downright overwhelmed.If this sounds like you (and you have the bitten fingernails to prove it), weve gathered four ways to conquer your nerves and take these new experiences in stride.Wake Up EarlierEver notice how your hands clench the steering wheel when you have five minutes left for the last 15 of your commute? Know that sinking feeling when you miss your train and have to wait for the next one all too well?When you cut your commute too close and are rushing, you begin your day flustered and worried. But you can make all (OK , most) of that angst disappear- all you need to do is leave earlier. Set your alarm 30 minutes early (in case you need to hit snooze once or twice) and aim to get to work at least 10 minutes early every day. Make it your goal to have your coat hung up and coffee in hand pre-9 AM. Youll eliminate all of those useless jitters, and start your day with a positive baseline. (Bonus supervisors always like the early birds.)Set Up Your WorkspaceWhen you move into a new apartment, it doesnt feel like your own until your boxes are unpacked and it feels like home. While you cant (and, frankly, shouldnt) personalize your office to the same degree, you should apply the same principle Youll feel mora settled once everything is geared up.So set up your email signature and record your outgoing voicemail message on your first day. It will feel good to see your name next to your new title every time you click Compose, itll have you prepared to communicate with the outside world, and itll get you fam iliar with any new technology.And, dont forget about your desk. While you may want to take time to observe how personalized your colleagues desks are (are family photos omnipresent or nowhere to be seen?), bring in a few office supplies that make you feel good, like the Paris notepad your BFF gave you or a pen with your alma maters name.Schedule a LunchIf its fitting in with a new group thats the root of your jitters, remember that everyone has to eat, and ask your colleagues to grab lunch. Youll feel much mora comfortable when you get to know a few people a bit better. A simple, Hey, have any favorite lunch places around here? Want to join me to grab a bite? works perfectly.Ask them questions about their job, but also feel free to use this time to talk about things that arent work-related- are they sports fanatics? Are they originally from this area? Youll bond over lunch and have a conversation starter next time youre all in the break room or want to ask someone how staff meetings usually go.Work On Your Self-TalkQuick quiz If the new database or client tracking system doesnt come naturally to you, do you think a) This is impossible, b) I stink at this, or c) This a great opportunity for me to practice on this piece of technology, because, hey, thats what the first week is for?It seems obvious- but too many of us talk down to ourselves, which in turn makes us feel bad and ramps up our nerves. If you find yourself getting frustrated, remember that youre bound to face some roadblocks during this time, and give yourself a little pep talk (just, well, not out loud). Youll feel better and your new colleagues will see you as someone who is calm under pressure.Finally, remember that youre going to do a great job- thats why they hired you Getting over your nerves is a skill that takes practice, but staying calm and positive will make you feel better about your new job and help you in the future as well. Like when youre adjusting to a new promotionPhoto of woman goin g to work courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

4 simple effective ways to conquer your fears

4 simple effective ways to conquer your fears4 simple effective ways to conquer your fearsFear seems to be a constant companion for every human being. We quickly learn to fear physical pain and alfruchtwein as quickly, we start to be afraid of social pain loneliness, ostracism or banishment.However, 95% of our fears are not sensible. We fear them for the sake of being afraid. They serve no real purpose other than occupying our minds.You can call the small fears worries, but it doesnt change the mechanism. You still dwell on something that will never happen, and it robs you of your current moment. You couldve enjoyed this moment or utilized it to create a better future for you.Instead, you fret, worry and fear.The eerie characteristic of mindWhen it comes to what can go wrong, human fantasie is inexhaustible. You can fret over trivia why your spouse looked at you with anger in the morning, or if you paid that due bill for electricity. And you can imagine the wildest scenarios, murd er and mayhem, bankruptcy and starvation, all with the saatkorn serious attitude.But when it comes to imagining positive scenarios, we are hopeless. Many people can imagine fairytales when they think about abundance fancy summer houses, trips to exotic countries, expensive cars, wild sex, drugs rock n roll. However, all of those stories have a taste of something unattainable, something straight from a Hollywood movie that cannot really materialize in our lives.Imagining small daily successes that will improve your daily life? It doesnt come as naturally as vivid scenarios of even the smallest fears coming true.So, how to avoid this default option?1. Name your fearsAdmit what scares you. Make an inventory of all your fears, or simply focus on those recurring on a daily basis. Those are the funniest, by the way. If you worry about losing your work every day, but youve kept it for the last couple of years, doesnt it strike you as an oddity?The truth will set you free. Say aloud what s cares you. Dont allow it to lurk only in your subconscious mind.2. Think them overThinking is your best option. If you dont take a rational action, if you dont examine your fears, take precautions or dismiss them as unrealistic, they will bounce randomly inside your skull. When you analyze your fears, you realize how irrational most of them are.Quite often a worst-case scenario is coming back to your mind again and again. But when you personenname it and actually think about the slim chances it has to become true, you stop worrying about this nonsense.3. Write them downKeeping your fears in your head, even when trying to consciously think them over, is a losing proposition. You are on the territory of your enemy there, and you need to proceed with triple caution. Your subconscious mind can get quiet after one lost battle with reasoning, but it will keep hammering you back with its fears and repeat silly arguments about the end of your world.Take the battle where your opponent is the weakest. Write down your fears and arguments, why you really shouldnt have been worried about 99% of them. Write down the arguments of your subconscious mind as well. When they land on paper, they look like what they are silly ruminations of a primitive creature. They almost never have anything to do with reason. They are a pure game of raw emotions.Once you capture your subconscious incoherent blather on paper, its attack in your mind will be much less vicious. When anxiety appears, you will be able to state, Oh, this is that nonsense again, Ive already discussed that with you there is nothing to worry about.4. Face themOften, we fear so many abstract things that its downright impossible to face your fears. Those are meant to be written down and dismissed. Right now, Im fearful of going from full-time to half-time in my day job and increasing my commitment into my business. You know, the usual stuff failure, poverty, and my wife will dump me. Maybe Ill even start to console my ne rves with alcohol and degrade into a tramp.I have nothing to act against this fear. First, I need to transition from full-time to half-time, which is still a couple of months ahead of me. Then, I need to fail and use up all of my funds that are dedicated for the transition period. Only after a year or so, those fears may come true. Thats why reasoning, clarity and a written action plan is a much better solution to deal with this kind of elusive terror.However, many times its in your power to face your fears, but you are paralyzed. You act with timidity. You avoid actions that may confront you with your fears. Your life is controlled by fear, not by you.In that case, you should muster some courage and face them.A story of dealing with fearMy berater told a story of a guy who was terrorized by his mother-in-law for 16 years. His mastermind convinced him that he should face her and set some boundaries. He sat down with her and explained to her that her messing with his family is affect ing them very negatively. He politely and diplomatically told her to back off.And she backed off. Her respect to that guy grew immensely. My mentor reported the guys disbelief at how much better his life is nowadays and his regret that he hasnt spoken up earlier.Dismantling your fearConsider this your fears, almost always, are not real. When you face them, you rob them of all the power. Your chicken mind realizes that the end of the world hasnt happened. It starts to probe other possibilities, positive scenarios that can improve your life, avenues that lead to action, not paralysis. And only action can bring you results.You dont need to be a hero and face your fears heads on, like the guy my mentor told me about. This is by far the most effective method, but I fully grasp that when you were immobilized by fear for a long time, its hard to change yourself.You can dismantle your fears bit by bit. You can get used to overcoming them slowly and gradually.My storyOnce upon a time, I was fearful of one-on-one interactions with strangers. I was terrified, especially when it came to interactions with attractive women. I had butterflies in my stomach, I sweated like a pig, my heart was pounding, and I couldnt utter a word. Approaching a woman released such a strong emotional response in my body that I literally felt sickAfter many unsuccessful attempts of striking a conversation with a stranger, I decided to scale my actions way down. First, I started to notice and observe people around me. Then, I used my imagination to converse with people in my mind. Next, I started to make eye contact. After making eye contact, I started to smile at them. Within several weeks, I was able to tell strangers Hi or give them some minor compliment. In several months, I overcame my shyness completely.The greatest grievanceThe worst thing your fears do to you is not the emotional mess you become, however huge this mess can be. It wasnt sweating, shaking and heart pounding I experienced th at created the greatest disservice.It was inaction.Fear paralyses you into doing nothing. When you do nothing, nothing can change. You stay stuck in the exact same situation indefinitely.Your fears rob you of action, the only means that can bring you change, improvement and progress.It is the main reason why we dont progress as fast as we could. Passivity is a surefire path to failure. You attempt nothing, so you dont get anything.However, when you take action, everything can happen.I made a couple of new friendships thanks to my encounters with strangers. I became more self-confident to the point that I was completely relaxed on a job interview and got a much better job (the one Im walking away from now).Deal with your fears. Disperse them, ridicule them or face them. Stop letting them prevent you from taking action. That is your only way to a better life.Michal Stawicki isa coachand self-published author writing about how to expand beyond your limits so you can regain control over your life (based on my personal experience).

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Libraries are in again

Libraries are in againLibraries are in againLibraries are the places to be these days. The Wall Street Journal reports that theres been an uptick in library traffic as much as 65% as more people get laid off, seek cheap entertainment, and of course, look for jobs. Mundane activities like browsing the internet, sending off resumes, and researching industries (like at, I dont know, Vault.com?) are seemingly elevated by the grandeur lent by ponderous silences and anatmosphere ofarcane knowledge. Well ok, theres also free computers and wi-fi, so there you go.As I mentioned before, Vault will be holding an auffhrung with the New York Public Library on Tuesday, January 27th. Come on out for free career advice workshops, individual coaching sessions, and meet with corporate and executive recruiters Click here for details and advance session sign ups.Posted by Linda Petock, Vault News Commentary

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Resume Templates Free Download

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Resume Templates Free Download The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Templates Free Download You can find plenty of different free resume template samples by doing a web-based search. The free resume templates that you discover on the internet are merely that templates in which you fill in your info. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be very tricky to choose the best one that is most suited to you. You will see free resume templates with distinctive fonts. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. Resume templates may also help you format your information when providing unique visual charme which will help your resume stand out. The resume template is thought to be a guide to fill in pertinent data in your resume. Employing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations.It is possible to change pretty much every part of your favorite template. Its high-quality PSD file is completely customizable. It is possible to use any template you download as-is, or you are able to customize it to fulfill your requirements. Have a peek at these examples to select which format is ideal for you. The Advantages of Resume Templates Free Download All you have to do is simply insert your information into the particular fields. In that perhaps you are aware of how certain totally free resumes to complete and print. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. Double check to ensure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Resumes dont need to be boring. They provide the all important first impressions to an employer that an applicant cannot give during the earliest phase of the application process. All you need to do is simply edit the document to include your individual information. 1 appro ach to prevent making your resume ugly is to ensure which you arent cramming your information on the page (such as the example below). All you will need is there on the plan page. Also think about whether there is anything else you can do to assist your resume stand out. The 30-Second Trick for Resume Templates Free Download Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement. If youre feeling uncomfortable about sharing facts about your professional life, you might not need a stranger to take charge of the plan practice. A perfect pick for candidates with lots of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. Also, its not customary to incorporate a photo of yourself on your resume, so avoid doing so if you dont feel that its absolute ly crucial to a specific situation. Whether you require a resume at this time or if youre making one proactively, theres a choice to suit your wants. Thus the use ofA Construction Resume TemplatesA is quite useful for all applicants who would like to be employed. If youre a work seeker, applying for a job can be a difficult process. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. Also be certain to tailor the document to the job youre applying for.

Monday, December 2, 2019

OneWire Exclusive Video Interview Series Offer Career Advice from Leading Executives

OneWire Exclusive Video Interview Series Offer Career Advice from Leading Executives OneWire recently released its brand new video series, Open Door with Skiddy von Stade. The series features the companys Founder and CEO Skiddy von Stade as he interviews high-profile executives in the Fortune 500 and financial services sector about their experiences in their respective fields. From landing their first job to rising to the top of their companies, von Stades guests provide insight based on their own career successes and challenges that, according to OneWire, can help todays finance professionals advance their careers. The company allows candidates to create detailed career profiles that include information about their skills, background and career preferences. Organizations use OneWire to find candidates who match their open positions based on specific, employer-selected criteria. Candidates can the n pursue opportunities that interest them while maintaining complete control over their privacy and visibility to employers.With its new video series, OneWire further provides candidates with premium content that enables them to access hard-to-reach and rarely interviewed executive leaders from Wall Street to corporate America. von Stade interviews a different guest in each video who explains the challenges he/she faced in his/her own job searches, share strategies for those just starting out and provide lessons they have learned during each persons journey to the top of their fields.There is perhaps no better way for finance professionals to learn how to advance their careers than by hearing from some of the most successful individuals in their respective industries, von Stade said. ur goal in producing these videos is to show new entrants to finance and career veterans alike what it takes to get ahead. We believe that our community of finance professionals will benefit greatly fro m watching these videos and will gain crucial insight that can help them achieve their career objectives.OneWire will share several new videos every month, each featuring an interview with a different achiever from the finance sector. View the series overview at http//www.onewire.com/videos.