Monday, March 9, 2020

8 Signs You Have More Influence at Work than You Think

8 Signs You Have More Influence at Work than You Think Sometimes it is easy to feel as though your efforts are not appreciated by those in your company. You have been working late, been given mora assignments than normal, youve been receiving more criticism from your manager and more. You may not understand why your boss has been so hard on you lately, but it is probably because you are a good employee who she wants to keep around. We outline eight different ways to tell you have influence at work, from others asking for your advice to your boss secretly prepping you for a promotion.1. People find you approachable.They come to you to share ideas or talk about a concern they might be having in the office. People arent afraid to ask for your help or your opinions on things. They value what you have to say. They view you as a trusted workplace confidante who they can come to with professional thoughts, ideas, advice and more.2. Your manager asks your opinions on things.It is always a gr eat sign when your manager wants to know what you have to say. Maybe she even prompts you to speak up during important meetings, or quotes your ideas or proposals on a project to people above you in the workplace.3. You are complimented on your positivity in the office.People want to be surrounded by the positive person in the room, always. And while being realistic is also a valued quality in an individual, being positive brings a certain we can do it attitude to every team meeting, discussion, one-on-one and more.4. Your proposals are taken seriously.Whether you simply asked for more fruit in the break-room, you proposed a change in the latest project proposal, or you suggested a time management task that could be beneficial for the entire office, seeing that your ideas are being implemented is key. The people around you trust your judgment and are listening to you when you suggest change.5. You get honest and direct feedback from your boss.All employees can improve in one way or another, and if your boss is trying to help you be a better worker in a more one-on-one setting, she could be preparing you for a potential promotion. Take the feedback well and implement ansicht changes.6. You have been invited to meetings that your colleagues have not.You may be asked to sit in on a meeting that people of your equal level in the company have not, and this is a good sign. Your boss and other management want you to be aware of what is happening within your company, and they want to hear your thoughts on it.7. You feel you are held to a higher standard than your colleagues.While this may be frustrating at times, it is a good sign. Your boss sees your potential and wants to help you be the best employee you can be. And, she is likely preparing you for another role that could equal a promotion. Try not to get frustrated and continue to better your workplace performance.8. You are constantly busy.Again, this may be frustrating. But the only reason you are busy is becaus e others around you want you to be apart of important meetings, they want to hear your notes on their next presentation, they want your solutions to a company problem, and more.

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